Explore and learn

Nowhere does the Bible come to life more than in the place where it all happened! This adventure combines a customized tour with exceptional leaders to provide a truly amazing experience you will never forget.


Upcoming Dates

9/16 - 9/28
10/24 - 11/5

Over 50 sites throughout the land and 25 sites in Jerusalem
with advanced preparation

Mount of Olives Overlook – 7 Bridges
Shephelah – Biblical Negev
Aijalon lookout (Canada Park)
Tel Gezer
Bet She’arim, Bet Shemesh, or Tel Azekah
Tel Be’er Sheva

Nabi Samwel/Mizpah
Bethlehem, Christmas Lutheran Church
Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity
Nissan – Olive Wood Shopping

Ein Gedi
Dead Sea Swim
Judean Wilderness Lookouts

North Galilee
Tel Aphek
Caesarea Maritima
Mount Carmel, Muhraqa

Nazareth lookout
Mount Arbel

Katzrin Talmudic Village
(Bethsaida) el Araj/et Tel
Boat ride on Galilee
Allon Museum – Ginnosaur
Tabgha (Primacy Chapel side)
Mount of Beatitudes

Tel Dan
Caesarea Philippi
Nimord’s Castle
(Tel Kedesh)

Scythopolis – Bet Shean
Gan Hashelosha
Beth Abara
Judean Wilderness – St. George Koziba
Mount of Olives look out
Sanhedria Tomb

Harem esh Sharif
Western Wall
Western Wall Tunnels
Chapel of Holy Sepulcher
Shopping – (Muristan Area)
Hezekiah’s Broad Wall
Wohl Museum

Dominus Flavit
Garden of Gethsemane
Kidron Valley Walk
Promenade Lookout


A lasting impression

“If you are contemplating this opportunity, go go go!! The Bible comes to life before your eyes with the guidance of Tom and Bill. This trip will forever impact your faith and how you will read His Word!”

— Kara

Worth the investment

“You really cannot put a price on traveling to Israel, especially with Tom and Bill as guides. My wife and I went this past year and my reading and understanding of the Bible will never be the same. It was well worth the time and money invested. I very highly recommend it!””

— Andy

Greater insight into the Bible

“When the Biblical story is appropriately contextualized, you gain new experiences and insights, and a greater appreciation for God’s work in the world. This trip is a chance to deepen your understanding of the Biblical world. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

— Jeff